Computer Vision & Children

Parents often ask if watching television, working on the computer, or playing video games, is harmful for their child's eyes.

Doctors and teachers find that children today are less visually ready for reading than previous generations because a larger percentage of their play is passive. Activities such as watching TV, or playing video games provide less opportunity for development of visual motor skills.

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Protect Your Eyes from Sun Damage

Ultraviolet rays from the sun can lead to premature aging. Your eyes need protection from the harmful ultraviolet rays just like your skin needs sunscreen.

Continuous unprotected exposure to UV rays can cause damage to the eye. Some of the damage is irreversible. UVB exposure contributes to cataracts, a gradual clouding of the intra-ocular lens that eventually blurs vision and affects your ability to read and drive. Cataracts that interfere significantly with vision must be removed by surgery.

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Computer Vision

Using the computer more than two hours a day is hard on your eyes. Your eye muscles have to stay in focus, track across thousands and thousands of words, and work like a synchronized swim team, or you will see blurry or double. If you have astigmatism, are farsighted, or your eye prescription is different in each eye, this adds more strain to the focusing system. Also, if your eyes don't work well together (the eyes drift apart due to poor eye muscle coordination from strabismus, convergence insufficiency or excess, and tracking problems), this can cause eyestrain and diminish your productivity also

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Why Is It Harder To See After 40?

Just when your career and life are really starting to take off, your eyes seem to be slowing down. Reading and viewing close objects becomes progressively more difficult in your 40's because of natural aging process called presbyopia.

Presbyopia makes reading more difficult because of a decreased ability to change focus, especially from far to near. As you age, the lens in your eyes becomes more rigid, and the muscles gradually lose their ability to focus at near.

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Flashes & Floaters

Floaters often look like small specks, strands, “cobwebs”, or other shapes floating in front of your eyes. They are more noticeable when you look at a light colored background (such as the sky, a window, a white wall).

Floaters are tiny clumps of gel or cells floating inside your eyes in the vitreous, a jelly-like substance that keeps your eyes inflated.

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