To minimize vision-related mishaps while traveling, Dr. Saunders recommends the following:
- Bring an extra pair of contact lenses or glasses in case you lose, tear or break yours. It is often difficult to find an eye doctor quickly while away from home.
- Put your name and address on your eyeglass case so it can be returned to you if you misplace your glasses.
- Bring ophthalmic antibiotic drops if you are traveling to a remote area in case your eyes become infected while camping, hiking, swimming in the ocean, etc. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Saunders or Dr. Hernandez before your trip for a pre-trip eye health evaluation, to prescribe antibiotics for your medical emergency kit.
- Bring wetting drops for moisturizing your eyes while on the plane (especially on long flights). The drops will also be useful if you are in a dusty environment, such as while on safari or on dirt roads.
When To Seek Emergency Treatment
Eye emergencies requiring medical attention include cuts, scratches, objects in the eye, and blunt injuries to the eye or eyelid. To avoid possible loss of vision, it’s important to seek emergency treatment if any of the following symptoms appear:
- Eye pain accompanied by redness
- Nausea or headache with eye pain
- Change in vision such as blurring or double vision
- Bleeding or other discharge
- A scratch, cut, or penetration of the eyeball